Object-oriented Programming in C

1 May 2017

Implementing object-orientation in C is a fantastic way to understand how object-oriented code works at the low level. Of course C++ exists to solve this very problem. However, C++ arguably has its own problems. Top programmers, such as Linus Torvalds, have spoken out about how C++ is a "horrible language". It's easy to fall into the argument of whether C++ is an incredibly powerful programming language, or whether it leads to bad code. Quite frankly, I'm not qualified to say. The whole point of this article is to demonstrate object-orientation in C. So we will avoid the flame wars, for now.


Objects are the key data structures in object-oriented programming. C has the struct data type to create, what basically are, objects.

Here is an example:

// Declaration
typedef struct RectangleTag Rectangle;

struct RectangleTag {
    float width;
    float height;

// Instantiation
Rectangle rect;

rect.width = 4;
rect.height = 2;

As you can see, this behaves very similar to an object in other object-oriented programming languages, such as Java. Let's just call it an object, for ease of understanding. However, there are a few problems. For it to be object-oriented, we'll need methods that are assigned to the object. Let's start by creating a "constructor" function.

Constructors and Destructors

A constructor is a type of function that is specifically used to create an object. In Java and many other object-oriented programming languages, you invoke the constructor with the new keyword. In the previous example, we created an object that was allocated to the stack. This isn't helpful. The details aren't important as to why, for now. Instead we are going to allocate the object on the heap. Then a pointer to that object will be returned from the constructor function. The C standard library has a function for allocating memory on the heap; it's called malloc.

Here is an example of a constructor function for Rectangle:

#include <stdlib.h>

// Constructor
Rectangle *Rectangle_new(float width, float height)
    // Allocate memory to object
    Rectangle *self = malloc(sizeof(Rectangle));

    // Default parameters
    self->width = width;
    self->height = height;

    // Return pointer to object
    return self;

Creating an instance of Rectangle using the constructor function:

Rectangle *rect = Rectangle_new(2, 2);

When you're allocating memory on the heap, it isn't deallocated when you go out of function scope, like it does for objects allocated on the stack. Therefore, a "destructor" function has to be created, in order to deallocate the object. The C standard library has a function for cleaning up memory allocated on the heap; it's called free. As shown below:

#include <stdlib.h>

// Destructor
void Rectangle_destroy(Rectangle *self)
    // Free the memory

Although it may seem pointless to have a destructor function if free is just going to be called, it is important to have a destructor function because objects may need to clear up more objects that are on that object, if that makes sense?


Methods are very important to object-oriented programming. In Java and many other object-oriented languages, methods associated with an object reference the object with the this keyword. In C++, the object's properties are all in the method's scope. In C, we are going to take the Java approach as it is easiest to implement. A slight tweak: we'll use self instead of this, since this is a reserved keyword in C++, which may harm cross compatibility.

To do this, our function's first parameter will take a pointer to its object. Below is a sample method for calculating the Rectangle's area.

float Rectangle_get_area(Rectangle *self)
    return self->width * self->height;

This is used as below. The area variable should be equal to 4.

Rectangle *rect = Rectangle_new(2, 2);

float area = Rectangle_get_area(rect);

Just for reference, here is an example of a method for calculating the perimeter.

float Rectangle_get_perimeter(Rectangle *self)
    return (self->width * 2) + (self->height * 2);

There are a few issues with this. The main issue is it is not polymorphic. We don't have a method that can be called for all Shapes to calculate that Shape's area. On another Shape, the width and height properties may not exist; the method would fall over when it was called with a Shape.

Dynamic Methods

There are a few issues with our previous method of implementing methods. There is no method dispatching. No way to decide what method to call depending on the type of object. We have to do that manually. However, polymorphism is achievable in C. We must use function pointers on the structs themselves.

Let's redeclare our Rectangle struct to have the methods declared on the struct itself:

typedef struct RectangleTag Rectangle;

struct RectangleTag {
    float width;
    float height;

    float (*get_width)(Rectange *self);
    float (*get_perimeter)(Rectange *self);

Then the Rectangle constructor has to be updated to assign the static function (defined earlier) to the *get_width and *get_perimeter function pointers.

// Constructor
Rectangle *Rectangle_new(void)
    // Allocate memory
    Rectangle *self = malloc(sizeof(Rectangle));

    // Default parameters
    self->width = 2;
    self->height = 2;

    // Methods
    self->get_width = Rectange_get_width;
    self->get_perimeter = Rectange_get_perimeter;

    return self;

Now the methods can be called dynamically from the object itself.

Rectangle *rect = Rectangle_new(2, 2);

float area = rect->get_area(rect);

In this example, rect->get_area(rect) would return 4.


In C, it's pretty simple to do object composition, where one object is referenced from inside of another. But how to do we do struct-based inheritance? There isn't a built in way to do it in C.

Let's say we want to have a Cube struct that extends the Rectangle struct, adding the depth property. It's not possible to do that with structs. We could do this:

typedef struct RectangleTag Rectangle;

struct RectangleTag {
    float width;
    float height;

typedef struct CubeTag Cube;

struct CubeTag {
    float width;
    float height;
    float depth;

However, it's not a good idea to copy to properties over. In addition, you can't tell that Cube is actually inheriting from Rectangle.

We are going to solve this problem with macros. Consider this example:

    float width;\
    float height;

typedef struct RectangleTag Rectangle;

struct RectangleTag {

#define CUBE_PROPS\
    float depth;

typedef struct CubeTag Cube;

struct CubeTag {

Here Cube is inheriting from Rectangle using macros and adding the depth property. Although it's a little messy, it's clear that Cube is inheriting from Rectangle. All that needs to be created is constructors for each struct.

Sometimes you want to call the parent struct's constructor. This is done with the super method in Java. However, in C, if we call the Rectangle_new function to create a new Cube. It's going to only allocate enough memory for the Rectangle. The depth property won't be allocated. This can cause a segmentation fault. I like to solve this problem by creating an apply method. This behaves like a constructor but doesn't allocate any memory. It just takes a pointer to the object and assigns its properties appropriately. In fact, the constructor will call its respective apply method.

void Rectangle_apply(Rectangle *self, float width, float height)
    self->width = width;
    self->height = height;

Rectangle *Rectangle_new(float width, float height)
    Rectangle *self = malloc(sizeof(Rectangle));

    Rectangle_apply(self, width, height);

    return self;

void Cube_apply(Cube *self, float width, float height, float depth)
    Rectangle_apply((void *)self, width, height);

    self->depth = depth;

Cube *Cube_new(float width, float height, float depth)
    Cube *self = malloc(sizeof(Cube));

    Cube_apply(self, width, height, depth);

    return self;

Yes, the function pointers could have been added onto the Rectangle and Cube structs. However, the power of that, and proper implementation, you are about to be shown.


Polymorphism is a massive aspect of object-oriented programming. It is possible to use polymorphism in C, even though inheritance isn't natively supported. It's achieved by having structs with the same memory layout and using casts to cast a child struct to its parent struct.

Let's implement an "abstract class" or "interface", as they're called in other languages. An "interface" is a type of class that isn't implemented by itself, but rather by its child classes. In C, interfaces can be thought of as a template for all child structs to conform to.

A good example of this, using the previous example of Rectangle, is to create a Shape which is going to behave as our interface.

#define SHAPE_PROPS(self_t)\
    float (*get_area)(self_t *self);\
    float (*get_perimeter)(self_t *self);

typedef struct ShapeTag Shape;

struct ShapeTag {

As you can see, the Shape has the get_area and get_perimeter methods. But it doesn't actually implement, like we would do with a constructor. It's important that the macro used for an interface is a macro function. This way, the type can be passed into the function. Allowing for inheritance of methods.

Now let's create a Rectangle which is going to inherit from this Shape "interface".

#define RECTANGLE_PROPS(self_t)\
    float width;\
    float height;

typedef struct RectangleTag Rectangle;

struct RectangleTag {

Then the Rectangle constructor must be created, as demonstrated earlier.

void Rectangle_apply(Rectangle *self, float width, float height)
    self->get_area = Rectangle_get_area;
    self->get_perimeter = Rectangle_get_perimeter;

    self->width = width;
    self->height = height;

Rectangle *Rectangle_new(float width, float height)
    Rectangle *self = malloc(sizeof(Rectangle));

    Rectangle_apply(self, width, height);

    return self;

For demonstration purposes, we're going to create a Circle which will also conform to the Shape interface.

#define CIRCLE_PROPS(self_t)\
    float radius;

typedef struct CircleTag Circle;

struct CircleTag {

Then the circle's get_area and get_permieter methods.

#include <math.h>

float Circle_get_area(Circle *self)
    return M_PI * pow(self->radius, 2);

float Circle_get_perimeter(Circle *self)
    float diameter = self->radius * 2;

    return M_PI * diameter;

And finally the constructor:

void Circle_apply(Circle *self, float width, float height)
    self->get_area = Circle_get_area;
    self->get_perimeter = Circle_get_perimeter;

    self->width = width;
    self->height = height;

Circle *Circle_new(float width, float height)
    Circle *self = malloc(sizeof(Circle));

    Circle_apply(self, width, height);

    return self;

Now let's create a method which prints the area of any Shape to the console. Thanks to polymorphism and inheritance, this is easy.

void print_area(Shape *shape)
    float area = shape->get_area(shape);

    printf("Area: %f\n", area);

This method can be called with any type that implements the Shape interface. This is the power of polymorphism. Now let's actually call print_area. Make sure to cast your types, otherwise the compiler will warn you.

Rectangle *rect = Rectangle_new(2, 2);
Circle *circle = Circle_new(3);

print_area((void *)rect); // Prints "Area: 4.000000"
print_area((void *)circle); // Prints "Area: 28.274334"

Dynamic dispatching in action, in C! What more could anyone want?

Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is key to decoupling. Test driven development normally isn't easy in C, with everything depending on concretions. However, using the techniques we have just learnt, it's very easy.

Let's say we had an interface which specified a canvas for a game. It's job is to draw players. It's most likely not practical, but good for demonstration purposes.

#define CANVAS_PROPS(self_t)\
    void clear_screen(self_t *self);\
    void draw_player(self_t *self, Player *player);\
    void clear_player(self_t *self, Player *player);\
    void update_score(self_t *self, Score *score);

typedef struct CanvasTag Canvas;

struct CanvasTag {

Now this canvas can be implemented however we want. We could implement it to draw the game like NetHack does. Or perhaps draw it in 3D, as long as we're using the correct library.

We've got our Game struct. Let's inject Canvas into the constructor of Game.

#define GAME_PROPS(self_t)\
    Canvas *canvas;\
    // Other methods and properties can go here

typedef struct GameTag Game;

struct GameTag {

void Game_apply(Game *self, Canvas *canvas)
    self->canvas = canvas;
    // Assign other properties and methods here

// Constructor
Game *Game_new(Canvas *canvas)
    Game *self = malloc(sizeof(Game));

    Game_apply(self, canvas);

    return self;

In any Game method, self->canvas->method_name(...) can be called. Yet, it doesn't matter how Canvas is implemented, as long as we pass a Canvas derived object that does implement Canvas. It doesn't affect our code in Game. It also makes Game much easier to unit test. This is because mocked objects of Canvas, instead of proper implementations, can be injected into Game. That is beyond the scope of this article.


Time for a more complete example.

You may have thought earlier, with regards to the destroy method, that it could be attached to each object. This is an interesting idea. It would mean that all structs, that are meant to be classes, should derive from an interface stating the destroy method. The beauty of this pattern is that you can modify it however you want. We could even create a clone method which clones the object! Let's do that.

// Class.h
#define CLASS_PROPS(self_t)\
    void (*destroy)(self_t *self);\
    self_t *(*clone)(self_t *self);

typedef struct ClassTag Class;

struct ClassTag {

That way all of our classes can inherit. They must implement destroy. I'm going to show the Rectangle example from earlier. First we'll have to redeclare Shape. But this time, we are going to state that Shape has coordinates. So it will have a property for Coords.

// Shape.h
#define SHAPE_PROPS(self_t)\
    Coords *coords;\
    float (*get_area)(self_t *self);\
    float (*get_perimeter)(self_t *self);

typedef struct ShapeTag Shape;

struct ShapeTag {

Then redeclare Rectangle.

// Rectangle.h
#define RECTANGLE_PROPS(self_t)\
    float width;\
    float height;

typedef struct RectangleTag Rectangle;

struct RectangleTag {

Rectangle *Rectangle_new(Coords *coords, float width, float height);
void Rectangle_apply(
    Rectangle *self, Coords *coords, float width, float height);
void Rectangle_destroy(Rectangle *self);
Rectangle *Rectangle_clone(Rectangle *self);
float Rectangle_get_area(Rectangle *self);
float Rectangle_get_perimeter(Rectangle *self);

Finally reimplement Rectangle.

// Rectangle.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Class.h"
#include "Shape.h"
#include "Rectangle.h"

Rectangle *Rectangle_new(Coords *coords, float width, float height)
    Rectangle *self = malloc(sizeof(Rectangle));

    Rectangle_apply(self, coords, width, height);

    return self;

void Rectangle_apply(Rectangle *self, Coords *coords, float width, float height)
    self->width = width;
    self->height = height;
    self->coords = coords;

    self->get_area = Rectangle_get_area;
    self->get_perimeter = Rectangle_get_perimeter;
    self->clone = Rectangle_clone;
    self->destroy = Rectangle_destroy;

void Rectangle_destroy(Rectangle *self)


Rectangle *Rectangle_clone(Rectangle *self)
    Rectangle *clone = malloc(sizeof(Rectangle));

    Coords *coords_clone = self->coords->clone(self->coords);

    return Rectangle_new(coords_clone, self->width, self->height);

// Definition of `Rectangle_get_area` and `Rectangle_get_perimeter` here

Then creating an instance of Rectangle and destroying it, you know it's going to work. It's pretty self explanatory how Coords would work, so I'm not going to go into the implementation of it.

// main.c
#include "Rectangle.h"
#include "Coords.h"

int main()
    Coords *coords = Coords_new(15, 10);
    Rectangle *rect = Rectangle_new(coords, 2, 2);
    Rectangle *rect_2 = rect->clone(rect);

    float area = rect_2->get_area(rect);

    printf("%f\n", area); // Will print 4

    rect->destroy(rect); // Will call `coords->destroy`
    rect_2->destroy(rect); // Do the same as above but to rect_2 object

    return 0;


It's a fantastic exercise implementing object-orientation in C. It better helps you understand polymorphism with regards to memory management. It better helps you understand destructors. It better helps you understand constructors. It also better helps you understand where the this object comes from. With C being low level, it shows how object-oriented code works at the low level.

There are many drawbacks to this style though. For one, it takes a lot of boiler plate, just to create a simple class. In addition, C++ has all of these features, and more, with "nice", or rather quick, easily written syntax. Maybe this is one of the issues with C++ the fact that it has too much.

I have written this connect-four program, which is a simple command-line program using the principles stated in this article. It also is totally developed using test-driven development. That's something that this paradigm allows.

Anyway, I'd like to think that implementing object-oriented programming, in C even if it isn't that practical, is a great way to get a better understanding of object-oriented code. It certainly was the case for me.